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Fugerit Document Generation Framework (fj-doc)Fugerit Doc

Fugerit Document Generation Framework (fj-doc)

FreeMarker template (fj-doc-freemarker)

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Description :
Allow generation of fj-doc XML format processing Apache FreeMarker templates.

Status :
All basic features are implemented.

Since : fj-doc 0.1

Native support :
Enabled since version 1.4.0-rc.001, This module should fully support native image. (reflect-config.json and resources-config.json have been added and there is no dependent library without native support)

Quickstart :

This module is based on a step pipeline implemented through DocProcessConfig.

Create a doc-handler.xml and doc-process.xml configuration.
(see fj-doc-base, doc-handler-sample.xml and doc-process-sample.xml)

For every chain you will need one configuration step and one or more processing step.

You can place configuration step in a basic chain to extends :

	<chain id="shared">
		<step id="step-01" defaultBehaviour="CONTINUE"
			description="FreeMarker Configuration step, only one FreeMarker configuration instance is created for every key under 'param01'" 
				fallback-on-null-loop-variable="false" />

Here is an example of full hcain with a data step and a processing step.

	<chain id="free-marker-01" extends="shared">
		<step id="step-data" defaultBehaviour="CONTINUE"
			description="Creates data necessary to FreeMarker" 
		<step id="step-data" defaultBehaviour="CONTINUE"
			description="Map items from DocContext to FreeMarker Data" 
			<properties list="userList" />		
		<step id="step-process" defaultBehaviour="CONTINUE"
			description="Apply FreeMarker template to get the full XML" 

And here is sample code to put all together up to XML composition :

	private static DocProcessConfig init() {
		DocProcessConfig config = null;
		try ( InputStream is = ClassHelper.loadFromDefaultClassLoader( "config/doc-process-sample.xml" ) ) {
			config = DocProcessConfig.loadConfig( is );
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new ConfigRuntimeException( "Exception on init : "+e, e );
		return config;
	private static DocProcessConfig PROCESS_CONFIG = init();

	public DocBase process( String chainId ) throws Exception {
		// required : access to che processing chain
		MiniFilterChain chain = PROCESS_CONFIG.getChainCache( chainId );
		DocProcessContext context = new DocProcessContext();
		DocProcessData data = new DocProcessData();
		int res = chain.apply( context , data ); "RES {} ", res );
		// optional : validate and print XSD errors : 
		try ( Reader input = data.getCurrentXmlReader() ) {
			DocValidator.logValidation( input , logger );
		// required : parsing the XML for model to be passed to DocFacade
		DocBase docBase = null;
		try ( Reader input = data.getCurrentXmlReader() ) {
			 docBase = DocFacade.parse( input );
		return docBase;